Spring Into Life With These 5 Tips

Spring has finally arrived, the first official day of spring was March 20th, marking the end of winter. Trees and flowers have started to bud, birds have started to chirp, the days are growing longer and lighter and people are ditching the scarves and hats for lightweight cardigans and bright colors.

Spring is a time for change, growth, new beginnings and, of course, warmer temperatures. It is time to release the hardships of winter and look ahead to the possibilities that come with a new season.

Here are a few tips to help you harness the energy of spring:

Walk in the Sun.

As the sun grows warmer and the days grow longer, find some time to enjoy the warmth of the sun by hiking or walking each day. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, feeling the sun’s warm rays on your skin will boost your mood and bring your senses alive. Try practicing a walking meditation to fully immerse yourself in the sensations. While walking, leave your phone at home and focus on your breath and the connection you make to the earth every time you set your foot down.

My favorite way to start the day is by taking a 15-30 minute walk around the block every morning to ground myself before diving into my daily tasks. This centers me and reminds me how refreshing the breeze in my hair and the sun on my face feels.

Spring Cleaning.

Spring is a great time to clear out your clutter and get rid of anything you no longer need in your life. This can be anything from clothing you don’t wear to household items you don’t use to unhealthy eating habits to people you need to let go of. Take some time to think about the areas in your life that could use a deep cleaning. Here are some ideas:

  • Clean out your house and/or car and donate any unwanted or unused items.
  • Give your home new life and rearrange your furniture.
  • Complete a detox to shed that winter coat and welcome fresh new energy into your body.
  • Write down any mental blocks, limiting beliefs or old emotions that you’d like to free yourself from.
  • Practice flow yoga, which will restore and detox your body as well as ground, center, and connect you as this new season unfolds.

Bring Spring Indoors.

Bring spring into your home by buying or picking yourself a bouquet of flowers to brighten up your kitchen counter or bedside table. Let them remind you of the beauty in the world and the new life that springtime brings. Besides flowers, potted plants will add life and beauty to your home through their vivid patterns and vibrant green colors. These plants will also help you to purify the air in your home, which will contribute to your spring cleaning.

Set Intentions.

The New Year is not the only time for intention setting. The Spring Equinox is also one of the best times to set some intentions as it carries energy of new beginnings. Use this time to revisit your intentions from the New Year and either continue your commitment to them or set new ones. Try creating a vision board or journaling about your desires, values, and goals for the new season and then write down specific actions to help you develop these intentions. This can be anything from practicing yoga every day to learning a new language to getting a new job. What energies do you want to bring into your life?

Socialize with Friends.

Spring is a time to reconnect with others as it marks the end of a hibernation period. Allow the vibrant sun and warmer weather to draw you out of your home and share the new energy you have with others. There are a lot of new and exciting opportunities to socialize with friends - go on hikes, have picnics, start a bonfire and attend a farmers market or street fair. The warm weather and sunshine should be shared with the people you love.

Spring is here so embrace the change and new beginnings and enjoy the warmer weather and longer days. 

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