A World of Symbols

Can you imagine Paris without the spindling silhouette of the Eiffel Tower or New York City without bright yellow taxis, honking at each other at rush hour? What does a gleefully plump, jade Buddha bring to mind? Probably a whiff of incense, the image of blooming lotuses, or perhaps the melodic pluckings of a sitar. Symbols take on an identity of their own, breathing life into foreign sounding names, places that your fingers have only touched on a map. Human culture has used symbols to tell stories for centuries, illuminating motifs that go back countless generations and to access distant, ancient cultures and religions. 


Symbols allow foreign ideas, places, and cultures to become somehow familiar - consider the popularization of Japanese and Chinese characters meaning “peace” or “love” or the ancient mythological symbol, the Tree of Life. We adopt these symbols because they are comforting, they allow us to feel close to an idea, or to a place that may otherwise seem distant. These symbols often express deep meanings while words go unsaid - reminding us of our human history and spiritual connection to the world around us.


Appearing time and time again over centuries, the mountains of Nepal to the sands of Egypt, the image of a sacred tree has endured the test of time due to its deep spiritual meaning as well as its inherent connection to all forms of life. The Tree of Life, like many other symbols, has a place in science, religion, mythology and philosophy, and represents the connection between our existence and the spirituality of nature. The tree reminds us of our humble beginnings, and of the life-giving power of nature.


The Flower of Life is another treasured symbol, promoting healing and connection to the inner self and reminding us the beauty that we are surrounded by on this earth, and has been used for centuries as a spiritual and structural example of both the complexities and simplicity of life. Symbols such as this one work both in the conscious and subconscious of the human mind, bringing mindfulness and inspiration to daily life. 


illustration of the flower of life

Transformation from seed to the flower of life

The Om symbol is a sacred spiritual icon as well as a mantra used in religious practices, uniting the speaker or observer with divine knowledge and self awareness and even alluding to to the “universe beyond the sun.” The word itself is known to mean “yes,” so by choosing to wear this symbol or meditate on “om” is to say “yes” to the world around you and to accept the divine guidance from the cosmos.

The OM sign

The practice of wearing these symbols is nearly as ancient as the symbols themselves, as they have appeared in virtually everything from art to architecture and continue to stay relevant even as the world continues to modernize. Regardless of race or religion, we all recognize these symbols and can use them to communicate our ideals and our visions of the world. In this day and age, these spiritual symbols connect us all in a way that social media cannot, reminding us of our humanity, of our past, and that we are all merely a part of the larger whole.

Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of the flower of life

At Daya, much of our jewelry utilizes the beauty and spirituality of these symbols to create unique and meaningful experience for the wearer. We know how easy it is to become caught up in our busy lives, but we hope that our timeless pieces will help you to enjoy the small things that make life beautiful and remain mindful of the spirituality that connects us all. We encourage you to find a piece that speaks to you - and know that you are helping the greater good by wearing it, as 10% of all proceeds made at Daya jewelry goes toward helping children in need.



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