Mystic Medicine: October

With the new season, be it Autumn or Spring in your hemisphere, it is sure that there are many changes and transformations coming your way. The beginning of a new season allows us to pause and reflect on what gifts and challenges the year has presented us so far. With only three months left of the year, now is the time to go inwards and explore the ways in which you have grown, all the beauty you have seen and all the joy this year has brought you.

Through meditation, mindfulness, work with crystals or tarot, or a simple walk in the woods you can begin to explore your current state.

Check in with your heart - are you feeling loved and fulfilled? Check in with your body - are you taking care of your most sacred temple? Check in with your mind - are you challenging yourself to be the best that you can be? 

If you find that anything is out of balance, don't fret! The Autumn equinox is the perfect time to begin working your way out of damaging patterns, cycles, and thoughts. Each day, month, and year are chances to start anew. 

Take time to honor the season by baking a loaf of bread or preparing a nourishing meal made of seasonal produce for your loved ones. It is your time to harvest the bounty that you have been working so hard to manifest. 

If you found that the chaos and clatter of the last few months has left you feeling disconnected from your heart and it's truest desires, use October to open up that channel once again.

Through work with crystals, namely Rose Quartz, you can reconnect and cultivate the connection between your mind, body, and heart space. This is easily done by simply wearing jewelry with Rose Quartz such as the Alba necklace and staying mindful, or meditating with a larger crystal. After this month, you might find yourself expressing love more freely, and feeling more of it too!

Wishing you a joyful month, 



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