The Power of Crystals - Healing with Daya

The practice of utilizing crystals and gemstones as a way of healing goes back centuries, and throughout time has helped many to find clarity, peace, and mindfulness. There are thousands of different stones and crystals that each have unique properties that ultimately promote the opening of our hearts and the clearing of our minds. Stones and crystals help us to heal our bodies and souls by reminding us to be mindful so that we may truly embrace each and every day. 

One of the most effective ways to utilize the power of stones and crystals is to keep them with you throughout your day. Wearing your crystals is a wonderful way to enjoy the benefits outwardly and inwardly. This is why Daya has created a number of pieces that include some of the most well known and effective healing crystals such as rose quartz, turquoise, and moonstone. 

Rose quartz is a powerful healing crystal with the power to open, heal, and activate the loving energy that lies within us all. It magnifies the good energy that radiates from our heartspace, allowing us to reconnect with the inner love we possess so that it can manifest in our daily lives and in our minds. Rose quartz will help you to remember to live from a space of openness and compassion, release feelings of anger and malice, and help you to emit love so that you may attract some as well.

Moonstone is a master healer, glowing with balancing and calming energies. It has a deeply sensual and feminine energy, associated with the nighttime and the spark of attraction it may bring. Moonstone is also known as the “traveler's stone,” protecting travelers as they move through moonlit nights and promoting a good night’s rest.


Mimas necklace with rainbow moonstone


Malachite is a stone known for its properties that help protect you against negative energy it promotes emotional stability and balance, and fosters creativity and inspiration. It is also known as a powerful stone that can help you during a time of change, and can act as a support as you move to find your right path in life.

Turquoise represents unity of the elements, and promotes the alignment of the chakras and balancing of the emotions. When unity is achieved, we are able to open our hearts to forgive, understand, and accept which will allow you to move forward with a renewed sense of inspiration and peace.

Labradorite is considered to be the stone of self-actualization, imparting strength, self confidence, and wisdom as one undergoes significant changes in life. It promotes the deepening of the understanding of the self and of the universe and strengthens the intuition, allowing us to release our tensions and ideals and trust that the journey we are on is the right one.


Beholden bracelet with spectrolite labradorite


With the expanse and variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of healing crystals, there is sure to be one that catches your eye and speaks to your soul. Open your heart to the possibility that these beautiful gems can help you to be mindful of everything from letting love in to learning to forgive.

While there is no way to know for sure if it is the stones or you that truly hold the magic, brightening your day with a beautiful piece of jewelry featuring a healing crystal surely couldn't hurt. 

At Daya, we hope that our jewelry allows you to enhance your personal style and add a little more beauty to your daily life. Our jewelry is timeless, high quality, and made with love to suit a variety of tastes, making any of our pieces a perfect gift for a loved one or for yourself. In addition, 10% of all proceeds is donated to UNICEF in the hope that we can make the world better one small act of kindness at a time.

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